: Hard things are easy. Easy things are hard I’ve totally murdered the quote, but chatGPT helped me attribute that to Andrew Ng (my 2 …

: test GLB in AR

: Stochastic - so drastic? pro tactic? slow elastic? In a recent interview, Mira Murati, OpenAI CTO, said that she herself doesn’t know exactly …

: On 4Omni, agents, rabbits, phone assistants, and sleep So, by now you must have heard about OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o(mni). If not you should definitely …

: Avengers v AI - IRL? So it’s come to this. ScarJo (aka Avenger Black Widow) is in a fight against OpenAI over the …

: Not hotdog? Look how far we've come... It looks like Apple Photos now has the ability to identify objects in photos using AI and let you …

: I see yo (SEO) content. LLMAO? Google’s search dominance is at an existential crossroads at the moment. I remember before …

: Discontent with the intent of our content Reading news today is increasingly becoming an exercise of determining whether it is worth tapping …

: UX UI U-me U-you U-mami I can tell when I haven’t eaten for a while. Food just creeps into my throughtstream. (would …

: Regulate Us! It’s a little disturbing how easy it is to make “fake” content. I generated a …

: Baby Baby Baby Oh! I’m purposely avoiding the temptation to write about the Altman-OpenAI drama. It’s …

: What lies beneath... Last week’s announcement at OpenAI’s inaugural keynote marked a turning point, in my …

: Twinkle Twinkle AI Star [this post, after the prompt, was entirely AI generated. Is this the future of content on the …

: My precious (content) [Originally, I had generated an image with Gollum hoarding books and pages (hence the title), but it …

: What are we feeding our (AI) kids? This halloween kids, young and old, will be consuming a bit more candy than we typically do. It …

: Always on AI-assist I’m actually kinda intrigued with the Meta Ray-ban glasses. I had been watching Snap …

: A couple days ago, I noticed the new NYC subway robocop. It’s interesting how things are …

: Test post This is a test post. Things on my mind at the moment - free speech and moderation on social …